The Silence of the Elite (2)

What, you may ask, is dominating the thought of the PCUSA leadership after the Hamas butchery and mass rape attack on October 7, 2023 and the pro-Hamas demonstrations in our major cities and universities? Well, it’s not those morally monstrous events. No, it’s an all-out assault on “Christian Zionism.” Wow. The PCUSA’s response is an assault on Christian support for Israel!

I don’t write much about the PCUSA anymore because it seems to be pointless.  Certainly the political activists who dominate the clergy and administration couldn’t care less about their use of Christianity as a means to advance their Leftist political projects.  Nor, apparently, do the people in the pews give a hoot about their support of this treachery.  No, as long at the leadership maintains the pathetic facade of “Christianity” they will go along pretending that all is well.

But, there comes a point where events have so powerfully exposed the wickedness of it all that something must be said.  And, that event is the descent of the Left into overt Nazism with its genocidal antisemitism as seen in our major cities and universities.

For decades the PCUSA leadership has hidden behind the claim that opposition to the existence of the state of Israel is not the direct equivalent of being antisemitic.  For example, the General Assembly’s 2015 action to sanction the State of Israel (this is a four-part post series) was claimed to be simply a matter of policy dispute, not an act of antisemitism.

A hopeless optimist might imagine that since 2015 events in the Middle East would have caused the PCUSA’s leadership to have second thoughts.  Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, as this post’s leading image shows, the PCUSA leadership has only increased the viciousness and stupidity of their position. For example, look at this 2022 Christian Post article that covers the overtly antisemitic comments of Rev. Nelson, then head of the PCUSA.

This and many other actions taken by the General Assembly (and many Presbyteries, Sessions, pastors and parishioners) are a stain on the PCUSA.  They all have built the deceitful strategy of antisemitism masquerading as anti-Zionism.  They will always consider themselves to be our moral, intellectual and spiritual betters – even after their support for antisemitic hatred contributed to this moment of butchery by Hamas.  

So, what does the PCUSA elite have to say about the current situation in the Middle East?  Well as documented in their article about “Confronting Christian Zionism” they have absolutely nothing to say about the genocidal atrocities by Hanas and its Gaza supporters on October 7, 2023; zero, nada.  But they have a lot to say in support of the Palestinians and in opposition of Christian support for Israel.

… the 90-minute session discussed how the Zionism ideology contributes to the violence Palestinians have experienced and the consequences of the settler colonial experience.   ,,,

Isaac opened his remarks noting the timeliness of the webinar coinciding with 190 days of continuous war, tens of thousands of deaths — including 14,000 children. “How is it possible the world is at peace with all this? Human rights don’t apply to Palestinians? Do international laws not apply?” he asked.   …

Rosen opened his remarks by stating the day’s gathering was amidst an ongoing genocide that needs to be named out loud at every available opportunity. …

“The U.S. is aiding and abetting. This genocide is led by a President who is Catholic but has professed Zionism to his emotional core and has for his entire political career,” said Rosen. “He may not be an evangelical Christian, but he is certainly a Christian Zionist, and I think that’s very important to underline.”   …

In light of that, there is another overture coming to this summer’s General Assembly. Confessing Our Complicity on Christian Zionism, sponsored by Muskingum Valley Presbytery, seeks to update and expand on the 2004 resolution.   …

“We need to do systemic unpacking and untangling of theology that keeps people hungry and imprisoned — Christian Zionism is a theology that does that,” said Macy. “It closes down and divides us from each other and from opening our hearts in an expansive theological way that recognizes the Divine and all of Creation again.”

The only possible conclusion is that the PCUSA elite supports the Hamas genocidal project.  How else could they utterly ignore the atrocities of October 7 while aggressively and openly opposing any Christian support of Israel as “Christian Zoonism”?

Presbytery-of-NY-NewsLetterBut the top prize for utter and complete silence in the face of the Nazi Left’s genocidal antisemitism must go to the Presbytery of New York City.  New York City has been the epicenter of Hamas supporting mob protests, including defacement of property, intimidation of Jews, open support of Hamas and blocking of roads and bridges.

And, Columbia University has been the epicenter of the pro-Hamas butchery campus protest movement.  The wickedness, hatred, stupidity, aggression and outright delight in genocidal ideation on display at Columbia is beyond any Christian, or human, moral boundary.  

Columbia University is in New York City.  And, the Presbytery of New York City has absolutely nothing to say about what is going on in their own city.

The figure to the left summarizes the content of the Presbytery of New York’s April 26, 2024 newsletter.  I have included a screen shot of every substantive article included in the newsletter.  I must ask, do you see anything that even hints at the morally monstrous activities happening right under their noses.  The answer is NO.

These are the same people who claim that “silence is violence” if you don’t enthusiastically support their policy positions.  Well, it’s time to apply that standard to a Presbytery that is mute in the face of open support of a second Holocaust.

Let’s be honest.  The PCUSA elite supports the Hamas project of destroying Israel.  They are willing foot soldiers of the antisemitic Iranian totalitarian regime behind it all.  And, we, the pew warmers are apparently willing to fund this Leftist project, pretending that we are all just Christ following Christians as the denomination leadership gives moral cover to the most evil ideology ever created in modern times.

This is an absolute disgrace. 

Our Depraved Rulers (3)

This support of predatory transexual assault on children and any parents who seek to protect is official policy of the Democrat Biden Administration and Democrat Illinois Pritzker Administration.  This particular bill was thwarted, but the Democrats will keep trying until something like this passes.

And yet our elite Progressive fellows who support the Democrat Party continue to claim moral superiority over us deplorables.  What pathetic frauds.  For how much longer will we put up with this travesty?

Presbytery-Chicago-IL-4876-Not-FoundBut beyond the clearly wicked secular Democrat Party, what about the Christian Churches in Illinois?  Here we have a proposed law that would make the traditional Christian understanding of family, parents, children and gender literally illegal.  Any Christian parent whose child has been sucked into the maw of the gender ideology slaughterhouse would be criminalized for protecting that child in any effective manner.

Wouldn’t you think that if anything could unify the Christian Churches in Illinois it would be this?  Or, even unify individual congregations?  But the answer is NO.

It’s NO because far too many of our church administrators, pastors and parishioners are either going along in craven cowardice or even fully on-board with this wicked child sacrificial agenda.  And, many of them occupy powerful positions in denominational organizations and our local churches.  By this power they suppress knowledge of what’s going on and manipulate information, theology and social incentives to prevent organized opposition.

So, what’s that I hear from Illinois Christian Churches on this totalitarian bill?


Thankfully, groups outside the organized church managed to stop this bill.  But, if there’s one thing you can count on with the Democrats it’s that they will be back.  We should pray that in the mean time the organized Christian Church grows a backbone (assuming that its leaders don’t support this totalitarian goal).  In any case, we parishioners should make sure our leaders are painfully aware of our expectations for their performance.


Our Depraved Rulers (2)

Colorado Representative Scott Bottoms speaks out on Democrat Party support of pedophiles.

Apparently our Progressive rulers have nothing to say about this wicked, scandalous policy position by their chosen Party.  And yet they continue to claim moral superiority over us deplorables.  What pathetic frauds.  For how much longer will we put up with this travesty?

Baal_Ugarit_Louvre_AO17330These are the times that I become discouraged about my job as a representative, and also just what happens here at the capitol. We sat in the committee all day discussing whether or not somebody that buys little children, these are 2, 3, 4, 5 year old kids, they buy them for sex.

We tried to get a bill through, representative Bradley sent one through that was going to put these buyers in jail. Right now most of the time they get off on probation, almost all the time they get off on probation after buying a child and raping a little child. And we tried to say that they need to at least serve a minimum of four years. And then we sat and listened to the Democrats fight against this bill, fight against putting these people in jail.

And they came up with all kinds of reasons including that these buyers are victims themselves. This is very discouraging and it’s also very disgusting for me that they would actually defend this. And then they voted completely along party lines, the Democrats voted 100% that they did not want to put these pedophiles in jail. They defended the pedophiles.

This is why it’s so difficult sometimes to do what we do around here. We know we’re on the side of right, we know on the side of morality, and we get shot down. I do not understand the thought process behind this, but we do get shot down.

This is why I would encourage you to do a few things to help us with this. First if you believe in prayer at all please pray. We are fighting truly dark forces here. This is not OK, this is evil stuff that we’re dealing with. And if you have the ability to come up and testify on bills or anything like this please do. So your voice is very important to what we’re trying to accomplish around here. We are the minority but with you, we become a powerful force.

Google-AI-PedoOh, and just in case you imagine that this is just a Colorado thing, I give you the dominant Woke ideological view as delivered by Google AI (see image).

Let me be clear: as I have previously documented, pedophilia is being aggressively converted from an illegal perversion to a protected minority status by the Woke Progressive Elite Class, whose political representative is the Democrat Party.

Also, where do you suppose these children bought for sex are coming from?  Perhaps they are being trafficked through our border.  No, not perhaps, almost certainly.  

What’s that I hear from Open Border Christians?


Christian Organizations Support Illegal Immigration (3)

Dr. Phil: “And we know that. We knowingly are spending our tax dollars to sell children into sex trafficking.  How under any theory is that OK for us to be spending tax dollars to traffic children?”

But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.

Matthew 18:6

As I documented in the previous two posts on this topic, these awful harms to both the illegal immigrants and to the citizens of this country are real and pervasive.  And yet, huge numbers of Christians are hypnotized  into believing that blanket support of mass illegal immigration is the only valid Christian position.  The question must be asked and considered: How is this accomplished?

The first thing to understand is that, particularly if you are in a Mainline denomination, the leadership is completely dominated by people with a powerful allegiance to the secular, Progressive political project.  I’ve covered this claim extensively and offered overwhelming evidence for this assertion.  Perhaps my most comprehensive and clear description of this situation was provided in a post from 2022 (emphasis added).

This merging of religious and secular ideology is so complete that it has become virtually impossible to find separation between them. If secular Progressivism embraces abortion on demand (even up to the moment of birth), the Mainline denominations fall into line. If secular Progressivism decides on a policy of open borders and nullification of immigration laws, the Mainline follows suit. And, if secular Progressivism decides to embrace Identity Politics, Critical Race Theory and Wokeness; resulting in rioting, murder, mayhem, arson and looting, the Mainline enthusiastically agrees. The same statements can be made about policies on “climate change,” criminal justice, marriage, foreign policy and other major issue areas.

But the domain with the longest and deepest collaboration has been in policy towards the poor and oppressed. The Mainline has completely absorbed the socialistic, paternalistic policies of Progressivism. In effect, the Mainline has taught, for generations, that Progressive policies are indistinguishable from Christian teaching in this space.

This situation has led the Mainline leadership into a devastating dead end, where they feel compelled to maintain support for utterly, catastrophically failed policies out of political fealty to a secular group. And this support trickles down into the local churches, leading to an oppressive pall over discussion and debate on these issues.

What you need to understand is that, because of this allegiance to the Progressive Movement, Mainline leadership sees its primary mission to be the creation of Biblical support for secular, Progressive positions.  Therefore they will carefully curate and even censor the Bible to ensure that only Progressive ideas are affirmed.

For example, Bible passages that affirm collective social responsibility are highlighted and accentuated while passages that affirm private property and personal morality are minimized if not excluded altogether.  They also, by sleight of hand, imply that it is only through redistributive government power that our moral obligations to the larger society can be fully met.  Thus, the Christian duty to be generous is converted into the (false) Christian duty to support oppressive secular Progressive policies.

But there are deeper, more sinister deceptions that underlie even this appalling theological fraud.

The first theological deception centers on the Christian concept of sin.  Christians are generally very sensitive to the issue of sin because it is the central focus of Christ’s sacrificial death.  Christ died to pay for our sins.  But Progressive Christians use this sensitivity as a weapon to intimidate and demoralize regular Christians.  They do this by twisting the Bible’s teaching on sin:

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23)

into the heretical teaching of:

“For [only you Christians] have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Heretics translation).

By so doing the Progressive Christians convince regular Christians that they are uniquely the worst sinners in the world, and therefore have no standing to pass moral judgement on anyone or anything.  Also, illegal immigrants are deemed to be innocent by definition.  

The second theological deception expands Christ’s sacrificial offering of Himself on the cross to be the only moral measure of all Christians.  That is, the most moral Christian is the one who willingly, nay, gratefully, gives all of his/her rights and privileges to others.  It doesn’t matter if the others are criminals, oppressors, perverts or anything else.  No, the Christian can only be moral if they become a doormat to whoever or whatever wants to wipe their shoes on them.

We Christians are not Christ.  And, God’s elect in the Old Testament were not doormats.  Nor was Christ Himself a doormat when the issue was soul destroying sin.  Nor were the Apostles.  And yet, the lie that we must meekly accept evil and lawlessness in order to be moral Christians has taken hold to a massive degree.

It is by these theological deceptions that Christians in the West have been stripped of all ability to think and act as moral agents.  We have been converted into beggars who seek the crumbs of morality that fall from the secular Progressive table.  The Woke Progressives are therefore able to shove any wicked, destructive policy down our throats, because we have been morally disarmed by their heretical theology.

Returning to the American Mind article, here are the fighting words that place this situation into perspective.

I am done having my devout religious beliefs used as a skin suit by Soros-funded globalists who want to use it as a disguise while they overthrow “our sacred democracy” from within. I am not in favor of having my Catholicism used as a club to beat me to death. 

For Catholicism substitute Christianity and you have a fine nondenominational formulation.

Now, pick up the doormat and put it where it belongs.

Christian Organizations Support Illegal Immigration (2)

More Christians are speaking up who aren’t on board with the illegal immigration support by Christian organizations.  A recent article in The American Mind provided a Catholic-centric review of the situation in that part of Christianity.  However, the general background of the moral issues at play is equally applicable to any Christian denomination.

There has been a constant flood of news stories about new arrivals from around the world raping, killing, selling fatal drugs, killing innocent people in DUI crashes, stealing, looting, and other insanities.

But this wave of violence sweeping the country doesn’t bother the Open Border Christians. They have turned a blind eye to the human suffering inflicted not just on regular Americans, but on the children getting sold, stolen, raped, trafficked, drugged, and abused by the immigration machine. Numerous videos show men clutching terrified toddlers who aren’t their children and can’t answer where they came from. Many children are drugged and turned into easy-to-transport luggage. Why? Because our viciously stupid border policies give “families” a free ticket anywhere they want to go. “Families” get to skirt regulations and are ushered to the front of the line.

None of this bothers the Open Borders Christians, however. The only thing that bothers them is “mean tweets” and closing the borders to criminals. 

These Christian and other NGOs, with Catholic Charities most prominent, are at the center of relocating illegal immigrants throughout the United States.  Here’s an excerpt from the Heritage Foundation discussion.

Cordero: The Biden administration is to blame for this escalating crisis. But according to a new investigation by Heritage’s Oversight Project, they’re not the only party responsible. Heritage recently uncovered that Catholic Charities and other non-government organizations have been working with the Biden administration to help move migrants across the country.  By examining the movement of 30,000 mobile devices in the United States, Heritage actually charted the path of thousands of illegal aliens making their way to a city near you.

The Heritage report concludes as follows.

Worse, this flow of illegal immigration helps enable cartels to bring terrorists, criminals, and deadly drugs like fentanyl into the United States.

This evil goes well beyond general criminality and drug smuggling.  Do you doubt this?  Is your first impulse to turn away, to cover your eyes, your ears?  Well, here’s Dr. Phil on the Joe Rogan Show sharing an interview with a senior border patrol leader about what’s actually going on under the Biden Administration at the border.  

Dr-Phil-on-Joe-RoganDr. Phil: These children that are coming in with someone that says ‘I’m their mother, aunt uncle or whatever; we have no way of verifying that?

Senior Border Patrol Leader: We do not. We used to under President Trump. We had rapid DNA testing. That’s been done away with.

Dr. Phil: Are they given money, these people that are released into the country?

Senior Border Patrol Leader: So it’s our taxpayers that ultimately facilitate travel, but yes travel is facilitated, and they are given all the necessities that they need.

Dr. Phil: But that could be a trafficker?

Senior Border Patrol Leader: There’s a very good possibility that they’re being trafficked, that they’re going into the sex industry, or they’re being forced into the sweatshops.

Dr. Phil: And we know that. We knowingly are spending our tax dollars to sell children into sex trafficking.  How under any theory is that OK for us to be spending tax dollars to traffic children?

[Border Patrol interview segment ends]

Joe Rogan: Holy **** .

Dr. Phil: Yeah, this is the head guy on the border. And I asked him when this went on a little more, we went in more depth. ‘You know you’re on camera here right?’ You just said we’re spending tax dollars to sell children into sex slavery, and he said yeah, I said that.  ‘Why have you not talked about this?’  He said nobody’s ever asked me these pointed questions, but I’m grateful that you’re asking them now. That’s how out of control we are down there! We are paying money to take these children and sell them into sex slavery! They come in with these addresses written on their bodies, written on their arm, and we call up there and say, ‘Do you know so and so?’  ‘Yes, we’re waiting for them.’ ‘OK they’ll be on a plane or a bus and you need to pick him up.’ And I asked him, ‘So some pimp or trafficker, whatever, is picking them up there?’ And he said we are knowingly sending them up there for that and he said it’s terrible but that’s what’s happening.

Joe Rogan: That’s insane, that is insane! And there’s no way of verifying with their parents they’re going to, or an aunt they’re going to, there’s no way of verifying it?

Dr. Phil: And I actually said what justification could possibly exist where they would stop doing the rapid DNA test? What possible justification would there be to stop that it? It makes no sense because if they find out, well this isn’t their parent then OK, what are they going to do with the child? And so I guess don’t ask and then you don’t have the responsibility. But they’re sending these children up there and he’s saying we are knowingly sending them into either a sweatshop or the sex industry up there.

What say you, good Christian about this?  What say you, oh so moral Christian leaders who push support of this illegal immigration regime?

Drawing Clarity Out of Chaos (2)

Ever since I began to notice the postmodern philosophy’s influence on Progressive ideology I’ve struggled to find a concise, clear explanation of how it differs from our Judeo-Christian heritage.  To my delight, Os Guinness has provided this explanation in an ARC panel discussion.

Os Guinness: “… the central choice today is between the idea of power and the power of ideas. But of course which ideas? Now, for me the radical left tackles injustice and they are right to do so. There is injustice. But the difference is they have no truth – postmodernism – we are post-truth. If there’s no truth everything’s power. So you set up a conflict of powers to subvert the status quo, and the Romans are very clear about the end result of this. You can only achieve the peace of despotism. In other words, a power so powerful it puts down every other power – the state. So I would say bluntly about the radical left: their revolutions never succeed, their oppressions never end, and their promised futures never arrive.

Now you compare that with the Jewish and Christian understanding, say the Hebrew prophets. You address truth to power and call for an about turn of heart and mind. And the freedom to go wrong is also the freedom to say ‘I was wrong, I need to change.’ And forgiveness is built on freedom: you can have the past freed and the future of a second chance. And the prophetic biblical understanding of Jewish and Christian, with that strong sense of freedom and responsibility bringing truth to power. Yes, we’re both tackling injustice, but you come out in very different directions. So the rabbis say ‘what is a hero.’ Someone who conquers? No. Someone who can turn an enemy into a friend: truth to power through repentance, reconciliation, forgiveness.”

This choice is what our world so desperately needs.  And yet, our seminaries, denominations, churches, pastors, elders and parishioners choose the “easy” way of conformity with the anti-Christian Left.  If our future is somehow (by God’s grace!) spared from genocidal totalitarianism this cowardice will be remembered as a terrible stain on the Church.

Invincible Arrogance (3)

This article was published in 2022 by The Christian Post. Please note that even this headline is deceptive. The State of Israel completely withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005. In 2006 the citizens of the Gaza Strip freely elected Hamas as their leadership. Since then the Gaza Strip has been used as a base for terror attacks on Israel, including terrorist incursions and rocket attacks. Through it all the State of Israel continued to provide electric power and water to citizens of the Gaza Strip. Given the continuous and major terrorist threat, Israel built barriers to protect their population from direct attack. Egypt, who also has a border with the Gaza Strip, also built barriers to protect themselves from Hamas. The recent appalling terrorist attacks by Hamas indisputably show why Israel was justified for having erected them.

The PCUSA GA’s Complicity

I first commented here concerning the PCUSA and Israel in 2015.  I published a series of four posts that discussed the deception and hatred through which our General Assembly (GA, the PCUSA’s national leadership body) assaulted Israel’s national security and purposefully undermined its legitimacy. This commentator pointed out the blatant prejudice and sickening hypocrisy of this action (emphasis added).

… the PCUSA’s deliberations ignored the attempts to destroy Israel in 1948, 1967 and 1973. It ignores the language of the Hamas charter, and the fact that Hamas has now been welcomed into the Palestinian Authority’s government. Mostly it ignores the endless terror attacks, and the war crime of indiscriminate use of rockets against civilians, the language of genocide routinely employed …

 In Part 4 of this series, after having discussed the background and GA votes in detail, I concluded with this statement.

There is no way to sugar-coat this situation.  When more than 4 out of 5 GA commissioners observed that Israel is successfully defending itself against the murderous onslaught by its neighbors, their reaction was to attack the morale, economic vitality and defenses of Israel.  If this result isn’t a moral catastrophe, representing the victory of willful ignorance and inhumane ideology over the Christian virtues of prudence, temperance and justice then I don’t know what is.

A hopeless optimist might imagine that since 2015 events in the Middle East would have caused the PCUSA’s leadership to have second thoughts.  Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, as this post’s leading image shows, the PCUSA leadership has only increased the viciousness and stupidity of their position.  Following are excerpts from the 2022 Christian Post article.

The head of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has doubled down on earlier comments suggesting the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territories was comparable to slavery.

PC(USA) Stated Clerk Rev. J. Herbert Nelson II garnered outrage from Jewish groups when, as part of a statement released in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day last Monday, he declared that the “continued occupation in Palestine/Israel is 21st-century slavery and should be abolished immediately.” He called on the Jewish community in the United States to “influence the call to join the U.S. government in ending the immoral enslavement.”

After being accused of “antisemitism” by Jewish advocacy groups, Nelson released a message on Saturday in which he defended his original remarks.

Nelson maintained that “no one who is informed regarding the use of military power and racial bias to control the lives of Palestinian citizens can honestly avoid the truth of this situation.”

There’s much more information in the full article.  

If Rev. Nelson were intellectually honest he would have compared the history and current situation of Palestinians with the definition of slavery to demonstrate the validity of his claim.  However, he couldn’t do that because it would shine a bright spotlight on its absurdity.  If Rev. Nelson found that he couldn’t back up his claim he should have admitted error and apologized.  But he couldn’t because he and his fellows are invincibly arrogant, and therefore can never admit error.  So, he responded with a crude, pathetic ad hominem attack on anyone who disagrees.

But make no mistake, by use of this emotionally charged, dishonest language Rev. Nelson in effect was justifying Palestinian violence.  How else could those living under “21st-century slavery” be expected to respond to their supposed persecution?  And, if the Palestinians are “slaves,” then aren’t the Jews of Israel the “slave masters?”  Who could deny those deemed to be living under “immoral enslavement” from violently rising up against their “slave masters?” 

The fact is that Rev. Nelson is an ideologue who has squeezed out all information to the contrary from his commentary.  He may pretend to be a compassionate Christian “saint,” but he and many other PCUSA leaders have contributed to laying the moral foundation for this recent brutalizing attack on Israel.  

This and many other actions taken by the General Assembly (and many Presbyteries, Sessions, pastors and parishioners) are a stain on the PCUSA.  They all have built the deceitful facade (i.e., antisemitism masquerading as anti-Zionism) that has contributed to this recent appalling result.  They will likely never admit fault, never seek forgiveness, never retreat into silence.  No, they will always consider themselves to be our moral, intellectual and spiritual betters – even after their support for antisemitic hatred contributed to this moment of butchery by Hamas.  They are part of the Invincibly Arrogant.

But we would rather look away than accept our responsibility for letting these post-Christian ideologues become our leaders.  As for me, I’m done with allowing the deceitful facade of “compassion” for the “oppressed” to protect this appalling clique of ideologues from receiving the condemnation they so richly deserve.

Mainline Christianity and Progressive Politics (11)

Senator Kennedy has done the discomforting public service of reading aloud excerpts from the gay porn books that Progressive Democrats are insisting belong in school and public libraries (and available for children).

The Progressive Christians who utterly dominate Mainline denominations rarely pass up the opportunity to signal their supposedly superior virtue (in this case a prayer published by The Presbyterian Outlook, PCUSA, excerpt, emphasis added).

Move in our hearts and open us to fresh expressions of your Spirit in our world today. Receive our anger at injustice and stir us to stand against those who stomp on our freedom.

Do not let our minds be overtaken by distorted views of history or by hateful rhetoric on race and gender. Embolden us to agitate for a free exchange of ideas and access to myriad points of view.

Awaken us to confront the hatred that motivates the unjust banning of books.

They attack those of us who dare to question the tsunami of gender propaganda that has engulfed our public schools and libraries.  We are said to be “book banners.”  Senator Mike Lee brilliantly explained this issue while exposing the true agenda of these child groomers at a Senate hearing on “book banning.”

Senator Lee: We’re going to play a video clip right now.  The video clip is from Deborah Caldwell-Stone.  She’s the legal counsel for the American Library Association.  Here’s what she has to say on some of these topics, these topics that deal not with book banning. No one here has banned any book.  You can still get these books anywhere you want them.  The question is not whether to ban them.  The question is whether they should be included in curriculum or in a school library.  A library or a school curriculum by definition will be finite, or a finite number of books that you can put in there.  The question is which books should be included and which should not.  Let’s hear what Ms. Deborah Caldwell-Stone has to say on this topic. 

Deborah Caldwell-Stone:  (Video) But ultimately we found that the thing that needs to happen most, and it needs to happen before these bills are introduced, is sustained messaging that reframes this issue, that that takes it away from the idea that these are inappropriate for minors or sexually inappropriate for minors and promote them as diverse materials and programming that are about inclusion fairness and protection of everybody’s right to see themselves and their families reflected in the books in the Public Library.

Senator Lee:  OK.  So I think what we saw here right now is someone saying the quiet part out loud, acknowledging what the goal is.  There is a goal here and the goal is to sexualize children, to provide minors with sexually explicit material and then hide this content from the parents.  Hide it by changing the messaging.  …  [They say]: This is not about sexually explicit content.  This is about equality, this is about justice, this is about what’s right and wrong, has nothing to do with sex.  

Well of course that’s what someone would do if they were grooming your child, if someone were trying to sexualize your child and make no mistake, that is what’s happening.

So, when a Mainline leader prays for “a free exchange of ideas and access to myriad points of viewand against theunjust banning of books” they are using Ms. Cadwell-Stone’s strategy that “reframes this issue” from “sexually inappropriate for minors” to allowing “diverse materials and programming that are about inclusion fairness.”

Most of us, out of embarrassment over the content of these books, attempt to answer by stating their general nature.  But why should a third-party trust our general claims?  After all, we’re the ones being called fascists, meekly submitting to the apparently morally superior Progressive verbal abuse.

Screenshot 2023-09-13 at 9.47.54 AMNo, in spite of the discomfort, we have to give these onlookers the explicit, disturbing quotes from these books in order to justify our position.  Senator Kennedy (R) has decided to do just that, reading into the Senate Record specific pornographic passages from two books being defended as acceptable for school and public libraries by the Pritzker Administration (D, IL).  [NOTE: The linked video does not “bleep out” the pornographic words.  I did so out of respect for the sensibilities of my readers.  No such concern is shown by the Progressives who are pleased to deliver raw pornographic sewage to children.]

Let’s take two books that have been much discussed. The first one is called All Boys Aren’t Blue and I will quote from it.  

“I put some lube on and got him on his knees and I began to slide into him from behind.  I pulled out of him and kissed him while he mas*****ted.  He asked me to turn over while he slipped the condom on himself.  This was my a*s and I was struggling to imagine someone inside me.  He got on top and slowly inserted himself into me.  It was the worst pain I think I have ever felt in my life.  Eventually I felt a mix of pleasure with the pain.”

The second is a another much discussed book I’m sure you’re familiar with.  It’s called Gender Queer.  OK let me read an excerpt from that. 

“I got a new strap on harness today.  I can’t wait to put it on you.  It will fit my favorite di**o perfectly.  You’re going to look so hot; I can’t wait to have your c**k in my mouth.  I’m going to give you the best bl***ob of your life.  Then I want you inside of me.”

Now Mr. Secretary, what are you asking us to do?  Are you suggesting that only librarians should decide whether the two books that I just referenced should be available to kids?  Is that what you’re saying?

This is what our “moral betters” are defending.

This is what they want our children to be exposed.

I checked a couple of local Public Libraries to see if these books are available.

Both of these books are AVAILABLE from local Illinois Public Libraries.
These popular, influential books by conservative authors are BANNED (according to the “standards” of the Progressives) by these same libraries. So conservative economics and social science books are excluded but pornographic grooming books are available “loud and proud!”
I never thought the day would come when Canadians are showing far more guts in opposing the sexual grooming of our children than are citizens of the United States.

Welcome to the Post-Christian World (2b)

Replacing Christianity with a Counterfeit

Today we take up the question of how the Woke “elite” have attempted to subvert the Christian Church itself, and therefore the beliefs of faithful Christians themselves.  This goal cannot be achieved by direct assault, as by the previously discussed replacement of Christianity by Paganism.  No, a far subtler but no less destructive strategy is needed to turn faithful Christians into New Persons of the Woke revolution. 

The strategy to accomplish this wicked goal relies on the power of heresy.  Now, Christians may scoff that, since heresy is a very bad thing, most Christians will immediately recognize and reject this plan.  The problem is that heresy is rarely openly wicked.  Rather, it latches onto one (or a few) good aspects of Christianity and then magnifies and distorts them into something that is secretly anti-Christian.  An article in Breakpoint titled “Why Wokeness is a Christian Heresy” well summarizes this idea (emphasis added).

“Heresy” comes from the Greek verb hairein, which means to choose. The idea is, heresy is the result of choosing one thing that is true and then running with it until it distorts everything else. “Wokeness,” a way of seeing the world built on critical theory, fastens onto the Christian idea that oppression is evil, but makes it the sole significant fact about humanity and society, while rejecting so much else that Christianity teaches — original sin, forgiveness, and salvation.

So, how does the Woke “elite” justify the abandonment of Christianity by Christians?  They do so by convincing Christians that they are moving to a “better” Christianity.  This con is executed by pretending to maintain the Christian concept but moving it far beyond the point determined by Christian doctrine and experience, for example, maximizing the concept of empathy for the “oppressed” without reference to any other of the Christian virtues.

Christianity today is dominated by a leadership that has been pushing this heresy onto the Church for decades.  I have been discussing this project throughout this blog (most recently, in Tyranny of the Weak (1) and The West’s Psychotic Breakdown (3), for a more complete review, click on this blog’s Christian Charity link and  Heresy link).

This internal cohort of Christian frauds has been turning Christianity from its infinite scope and depth to a pathetic focus on one thing: virtue signaling our “kindness” towards the “oppressed” (as specifically defined by their Woke pagan masters).  This project has been camouflaged by the concept of “niceness”

But, as I have pointed out in the previous post of this series neither Jesus Christ nor His Apostles were always nice.  And the reason for this apparent contradiction is that God hates sin.  And, he hates those who by cruel cleverness lead people into sin.  God wants us to know without doubt what He considers to be sin.  And, He wants us to understand just how destructive and evil are the consequences of sin, both for the the person and society.

This heresy was most recently on display in a Christianity Today article that praised Taylor Swift and The Barbie Movie as worthy ideals for Christian life (Barbie and Taylor Swift are Bringing Us Together).  This exercise in cultural surrender and religious subversion is effectively called out by an article in Not the Bee, which concludes thusly.

This CT article is the perfect example of how blind guides have infiltrated the top ranks of church leadership. These people would shame you for implying some people are fat and lazy, just like they would tell you to beware the “idolatry of marriage” while the world goes to literal hell in a hand basket.

They are so wedded to the “Thou Shalt Be Nice” command of Satan that they readily do his work for him!

Let me end with an important reminder for all the “nice” Christians who spout off screeds about being “unloving” (that tactic used endlessly during the pandemic):

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

The modern American church has forgotten about the bold part, and in forgetting that love cannot coexist with evil, it has made friends with the devil in the name of “niceness.”

Thus you understand what has happened to Christianity Today.

Yes, this is precisely what has happened to much of Christianity in the West, and was led by heretics in sheep’s clothing, most definitely including Christianity Today and  the PCUSA leadership, among many, many others.  This is the stolen morality of Wokeness from Christianity that destroys the Church while substituting an evil counterfeit.

Safe in the Good Ole PCUSA!

Question: Can you think of a single significant instance in which the PCUSA leadership didn’t enthusiastically embrace the position of the pagan permanent regime in Washington? I’ll wait for the answer …

The FBI has targeted Traditional Catholics for scrutiny:

Why? Because the FBI has become a tool of the permanent regime in Washington, which will tolerate no resistance to their ideology — an ideology best understood as pagan morality. Abortion, gender ideology, and the thinly-veiled racism of critical race theory in particular are considered sacred by the regime. Traditional Catholics — or “Radical-Traditionalist Catholics” in FBI parlance — oppose these things and will never accept them.

Thank goodness that we in the PCUSA will never be suspected of opposing the pagan permanent regime in Washington!