Our Utterly Fraudulent Elites (4)

This is the future that the vast majority of the Woke Elite appears to be pursuing. Hint: You are one of their Serfs.


There have always been differences in outlook between the elite and commoner groups in the United States.  But what these poll results reveal is not difference in degree, but rather difference in kind.  In fact, the Woke Elite have been revealed by their own testimony to be authoritarians who hide their lust for power behind a veil of supposed altruism.  These people are not just fellow citizens with different opinions about how the Republic should be run.  No, they are oppressors who desire to use their social, organizational and economic power to nullify our Republic without consent of its citizens.

They are also shameless, practiced liars.  They use the language of “democracy” and “equality” as a Trojan Horse to smuggle totalitarian ideas into every aspect of our lives.  These elites think that they can control the forces of destruction that they are unleashing into our midst.  They cannot.  They may be useful idiots during the transition phase from Republic to Dictatorship, but once sufficient power has been transferred to the government they will be discarded (at best).  Then the monsters who really live by power from the barrel of a gun will take over.

Our only option is to rebel against everything that these people offer.  We must cease giving them the slightest respect, be it for their opinions or actions.  We must oppose their policies in public debate, in private conversation and in the voting booth.  We must shine spotlights on their hypocrisy, their cruelty, their corruption, their lies and their idiocy.  They are barbarians inside the gates.  

Throwing them out of power will be a multi-generational task.  I won’t live to see it through,  but if we want to remain a free people nothing less must be our goal.

Tragedy to Farce in Less Than Two Years

Top: What President Biden said in September 2022. Bottom: What President Biden said a few days ago.

In September of 2022 President Joe Biden gave perhaps the most Fascist speech in American history.  


At that time the Biden Administration was riding high.  He had unleashed the DOJ / FBI to hunt down and imprison parents who vocally opposed their local school board policies, traditional Catholics, pro-life protesters, J6 participants, Trump Administration officials and Donald Trump himself.  This Fascist policy of prosecuting political and/or ideological opponents was intended to intimidate the populace into submission, thus enabling the effective end of competitive political functioning in the United States.

Metaphorically, Saruman-Biden was unleashing his army of ideologically lobotomized Orcs on the Republican Party and any other group that might dare to oppose him.  The Woke Orc army included Federal Government bureaucrats from the highest to lowest positions, news and entertainment media companies, universities, religious organizations, professional organizations and virtually every department of the Federal Government including (but not limited to) the DOJ/FBI, DHS, EPA, CIA, NSA, DoE, CDC and many more.  But it also included the storm troopers of Antifa, BLM and antisemites who were waiting to be unleashed once again on the nation.

But something unexpected has happened.  Rather than being intimidated, the anti-Fascist Right has become incensed.  Even groups who had previously seen themselves as most-favored clients of the Democrat party were startled to realize that they had been replaced by illegal immigrants, transsexuals and hardened criminals as the party’s favorites.  In effect, the Ents had awakened and decided to go to political war against the Democrats.

So now Saruman-Biden has retreated to his tower, where he pleads for political peace and brotherly love after having unleashed a reign of oppression and cruelty on his opponents.  In the background lurks a demoralized and desperate Democrat establishment that would love to be rid of him but who don’t know how to pull it off.  Almost no one respects this pathetic man who was, at his peak, a useful idiot but who now is barely capable of finding his way off stage or uttering a coherent sentence.  He survives only because the Woke elite have painted themselves into an identitarian corner where every path out leads to worse disaster.  

How will this end?  Since this is reality we can’t expect a complete, clean victory.  But we can work and pray for a defeat so conclusive that the wicked Left retreats into the shadows for long enough to rebuild Western Civilization.

Even if this best-case result occurs we must understand that the Left’s genius is for deception, manipulation and intimidation.  They will be back with a new utopian fairy tale.  

However, we could, by corruption or incompetence, falter and fail.  In that case we should expect generations of serfdom under the pitiless power of the elites who cloak their wicked lusts with altruism.

It’s up to us.

Our Woke Elites Exposed

We have every reason to have lost hope in our institutions and the people who currently run them. We have no reason to lose hope in God and His providential acts. Hold fast, Christians!

A couple of items have come across my screen recently that accurately and succinctly describe the exposure of our “elite moral betters” as the cowards and knaves that they really are.  Here’s an extended excerpt from a Powerline post titled “Degenerate Animals [Updated].”

The purported leaders of our society–the liberal ones, anyway, which they pretty much all are–are morally bankrupt. They habitually pretend to occupy some sort of high ground, when in fact they are well below the average ethical standard. This is true internationally, too. The United Nations, for example, has zero moral authority, and one thing Israel will need to do after Gaza is finally ridded of terrorists is to keep the U.N. and its enablers out.

Our current political scene fits this pattern. I am no fan of Donald Trump, but what our purported leaders fail to understand is that, for all his many faults, he is not part of the utterly bankrupt nomenklatura that believe they are entitled to rule the rest of us, and which have among the lowest standards–not just with regard to morality–of any ruling elite in world history.

In addition, Brendan O’Neill commented as follows in a video titled “Woke leaders posing as ‘moral superiors’ exposed as ‘real lowlifes’.”

Brendan O’Neill: It’s so interesting isn’t it. You know I think since Hamas’ pogrom of the 7th of October we’ve witnessed something really striking in the West, I think, which is the complete collapse of the moral authority of the Woke Left and the woke elites. You know, these are the kind of people who for years have posed as caring and loving and wonderful people who just wanted equality and just want everyone to be treated fairly and nicely.  
We now know, courtesy of the barbarism of the 7th of October, what a myth that was.  Because they have made excuses for the pogrom of the 7th of October, they said it was a form of resistance.  There’s one journalist here in Britain who called it “a day of celebration.”  And since then they have turned a blind eye to soaring levels of anti-Semitism in Britain and other countries in Europe as well. Here in the UK there have been fifty anti-Semitic attacks a day in London alone.  That is crisis level racism and they’ve turned a blind eye to that as well.  And then when Stephen Fry tried to raise the alarm bells about it, they made fun of him on the Internet, and they denounced him.  
So the kind of people who’ve posed as our moral superiors for the past few decades have been exposed as real lowlifes, I think, who don’t actually care about racism, don’t care about equality, certainly don’t care about Jewish people and are only interested in using so called anti-racism as a way of fortifying their own cultural power over society.  So they really stand exposed.

Yes, they do.  And they hate with a burning passion anyone who dares to say so out loud.  Say it out loud, often and boldly.  Drive these knaves and cowards off their fraudulent high horses.  Otherwise they will go on destroying every institution and every moral bulwark with the impunity that has enabled them to get this far along.

A Doctor Speaks on Transgender Ideology in Medicine (5)

This hour-plus long interview is compelling, insightful and informative throughout. Journalist Christopher Rufo discuss the invasion of transgender ideology and the consequences for the medical community. But this evil goes much deeper, because the Federal Justice System under the Democrats has been turned into a totalitarian enforcer of lies by legal persecution of anyone who dared to speak the truth in opposition. In this final post I provide a transcript of and commentary on the concluding segment of this discussion.

A Call to Action

The discussion concludes with Dr. Haim’s comments on our obligation to tell the truth, particularly in situations where people will be harmed if lies win.  But even more, he points out that the entire professional and governmental structures have been corrupted in order to suppress the truth that could save so many innocents from pain and suffering.

Dr. Eitan Haim: When you think about the reality of it, right, we’re just telling the truth, that’s it. Why should someone be prosecuted for telling the truth? If the justice system increasingly protects criminals from the innocent and just goes after people who say true things and who expose what’s happening and what kind of world are we delivering our children into? So it may seem like a bold thing to do for most people but when you think about what’s at stake this is not bold at all. It’s what we have to do. And so it’s a test in some sense for the question. Are our institutions functioning? Are they committed to truth and justice and equal treatment? Or has this ideology deranged them to such an extent that they can no longer function for their purpose?

At this point this seems like a rhetorical question.

Christopher Rufo:  It sounds like you’re actually an optimist. You would not be putting your neck out there, you would not be taking this risk if you didn’t believe at least in a certain regard that the truth will win, that justice will prevail.

Dr. Eitan Haim: I think I’m an optimist in the sense that I believe in the power of the truth, that the best way to live life is just to say true things and to live in a true way. I don’t believe that by us telling this story or by exposing what’s true it would change people who have already been corrupted. I think what we have to do is wake those people up who have been asleep to allow them to see what their country has turned into. That you have people who simply told the truth who are being investigated by the most powerful federal government in the history of the world. And at some point it’s our responsibility to fight against it because if we don’t do it now it’s going to be too late. I believe in the power of the truth to mobilize good people to action.   …

And then no matter what the consequences are, really, no matter what any of the consequences are, that will never bend the knee to their ideology or their narrative, never!

I must ask the good people reading this, has it mobilized you to action in whatever sphere is open to your influence?  Or, has the “the most powerful federal government in the history of the world” convinced you to bend your knee to this wicked ideology?  You must decide.

A Doctor Speaks on Transgender Ideology in Medicine (4)

This hour-plus long interview is compelling, insightful and informative throughout. Journalist Christopher Rufo discusses the invasion of transgender ideology and the consequences for the medical community. But this evil goes much deeper, because the Federal Justice System under the Democrats has been turned into a totalitarian enforcer of lies by legal persecution of anyone who dares to speak the truth in opposition. In this and following posts I will provide transcripts of and commentary on key segments of this discussion.

The Cost of and Strategy for Opposition

It turns out that it wasn’t only the transgender radicalized minority of medical administrators and practitioners who were enforcing this oppressive conformity on the entire community.  No, they were in collaboration with and directly supported by U.S. government agencies which had been turned into a reincarnated Stasi by the Obama and Biden Administrations (both Democrat).  Recall a recent post in which this Stasi system was described.

The normative state was the outwardly appearing system of constitutional law. The prerogative state was the reality — a vast and corrupt bureaucracy filled with spies and jackboots and political actors who could toss people into jail for any reason.

So, federal government agents showed up at Dr. Haim’s home to intimidate and threaten him with proposed criminal charges.  I challenge you to read this part of the interview without the above description springing to mind.

Dr. Eitan Haim: We had reason to believe that this investigation was not being pursued in order to pursue blind justice, right, it was being pursued for ideological and political reasons.   …

Only because it’s about trans are we seeing any action at all. And we’re seeing hysterical legal threats because the Biden administration, the medical associations and the trans activists have taken power at that administrative level. And the only way their ideology survives is if they destroy anyone who questions it.   …

The assumption must have been that the goal was to just put this person in position where he’s so scared that he’s just going to roll over.

Threatening to destroy a man’s career before it even started and even throw him into prison are pretty effective intimidation tactics.

Dr. Eitan Haim: They want to prevent other whistleblowers in other hospitals from speaking out because people are starting to wake up to what’s happening. So you have more doctors who are going to be willing to do this and we know these agencies have a vested interest in it because of the Health and Human Services Department’s public expression of support for the transgender ideology.  So of course anyone any doctor who speaks out and exposes misconduct happening at hospitals, they’re going to go after it in the most severe way possible.

These craven cowards know that their wicked ideology and its consequences can’t survive exposure and debate.  So they impose censorship by intimidation.  

Dr. Eitan Haim: I want to communicate to all those doctors out there who might be listening to this, who might consider the same thing. It’s that once you cross to the other side, like you think it’s just your life that is going to be destroyed and everything, but you come to the conclusion that there are so many people out there who are willing to stand alongside of you and sacrifice something meaningful for a cause worth fighting for. And they will support you in any way possible whether it’s through connections, through legal defense or anything else.

But the other important thing was that we knew we need people to help us out but we also knew we needed a strategy because we can defend my case, right, because it’s obviously these people are pursuing me for political and ideological reasons. They want to prevent other whistleblowers from speaking out. But the defense is meaningless without offensive action against people who potentially have abused their authority. That has to be a critical component because there’s no other way to make this not happen in the future.

Yes, as I have been saying here for years, there must be political, professional and legal accountability for those individuals and organizations who have abused their power to impose immoral and illegal policies on the rest of us.

Great Commentary on Davos

A great discussion on the 2024 Davos WEF event can be found in this video clip. ”Walter Kirn and Matt Taibbi discuss the sinister Westworld cyborgs of the World Economic Forum and their annual self-congratulation festival.” I have excerpted numerous of the most insightful and mocking comments below.

For those of you fortunate enough to have been unaware of this annual monstrosity of narcissism and authoritarianism, here’s a reasonably good description.

Davos is a modest ski resort near Zürich, Switzerland. But that isn’t why it’s famous. Every January, Davos hosts the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF). A highly curated selection of delegates from global business, government, civil society, media, and academia converge on this Swiss town to attend sessions designed to spark fruitful discussions around the most pressing issues of the day—and ultimately drive impact.

This conference needs to be taken seriously given the amount of damage the ideas emanating from this putrid event has caused the West.  But, given its appalling self-regard and desire to intimidate us plebes into submission, another necessary response is mockery and derision, which is beautifully supplied by Mr. Kirn and Mr. Taibbi.  Some of their best commentary follows.

“They’re always talking sort of slightly in code in these things. So they will say things like ‘we have to get together and collaborate to rebuild trust in institutions and undo the damage that misinformation has caused,’ right. But what they mean by that is censorship.”

“Trust, which was traditionally something that we granted voluntarily will now be coerced or forced by the fact that you won’t have any alternative. But to trust as they think means that we won’t trust them at all.”

“Not only do they speak euphemistically, they speak illogically. In a kind of paradoxical mind melting way it’s like saying ‘we’re going to regain your love and we’re going to do it by shooting everybody else who you love until you just love us.’”

“Why is he trying to slip past these gigantic erroneous statements that don’t stand up to one second of reason?   …   Maybe the idea is to condition people to just sit there and listen to gibberish and think it makes sense.”

“By stewardship really, they mean our arrogant appropriation of authority, by trust they mean our coercive threat to eliminate all other sources of information.”

“They want to portray themselves as at the tip of some kind of historical spear, the very vanguard. I mean this is progressivism weaponized, but it’s tweaked. It’s the ‘we’re not the vanguard of the proletariat, we’re the vanguard of progress or something like that.’ Yes they’re the vanguard of some ineffable historical will that is not that of any particular group.”

“[They] make you afraid, which is a form of excitement. So they overstate threats and they overstate their plans in order to get people talking about them, which is a weird way of making them come true. Get people afraid, get people babbling and gossiping and then bring it in because by then it’s kind of old news. You’ve kind of feared it into existence.”

In order for us normal people to defeat this new Fascism we must oppose their ideas.  But we also must rain contempt and mockery down on these monsters in order to dissolve away their pretense of superiority and power.

The Ministry of Truth is Struggling! (3)

President Joe Biden gave a speech on January 5 that attacked almost half the citizens of our nation for being threats to democracy. Did anyone outside of the tiny (but unfortunately powerful) Progressive clique care?

I think not.  As well said by Roger Kimball:

For proof, you need only contemplate the alarming pantomime that Joe Biden just acted out at Valley Forge.  It lacked the totalitarian, Riefenstahlich trappings of his speech at Philadelphia’s Independence Hall in Sept. 2022. At that time, the President’s puppeteers believed that they could scare voters by turning the acronym “MAGA” into a negative epithet and affixing the extreme-sounding intensifier “ultra” to its front end.

They managed to scare themselves, but hardly anyone else. By the fall of 2022, the wrecking ball that is Joe Biden’s administration had already smashed its way through the American economy, our southern border, and our foreign policy.  Suddenly, “Make America Great Again” sounded like a pretty good formula.  And if Trump and his supporters were advocating “MAGA with knobs on,” then why not?

That’s what more and more of that most irritating cohort, voters, seemed to think.

Joe Biden’s Valley Forge speech was supposed to inaugurate his 2024 campaign.  I would not be surprised if future historians singled it out as the moment his campaign began its final retreat into senile collapse.

Yawn … just another bother of outlandish blather from our Woke Progressive Ministry of Truth.

What a real dictator wannabe actually said at the end of his speech of January 5.

Looking Forward to 2024

When I started this blog in November 2014 I thought it was going to primarily focus on issues associated with Christianity in general and the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. (PCUSA) in particular.  And, that intent held sway for almost two years.  But in September of 2016 I began commenting on the political situation, but still primarily from a Christian / religious perspective.  

pcusa-progressive-issues2What motivated this transition was my realization that the actions of my denomination (PCUSA) were by no means independent of secular political considerations.  In fact, what I had been treating as primarily a religious / theological issue within the PCUSA was revealed to be it behaving as a “pathetic little appendage to the secular Progressive political machine.”  

What I found out, to my shock and sorrow, was that the Bible and Confessions had been rendered irrelevant by a combination of postmodern philosophy and Progressive politics.  There was simply no center of Christian orthodoxy, Reformed or otherwise, left to hold.  In its place was a secular-driven ideology that sees the PCUSA’s civilizational value to be the “Christianization” of any and all political policies embraced by the Progressive Left — from abortion on demand (and soon infanticide) to the destruction of Israel to Socialism to gun confiscation to open borders to destruction of free speech to gay marriage and on and on.

Therefore, the scope of my investigation needed to expand into what the secular Progressive Left was thinking and doing because these were the actual masters of our PCUSA “leadership.”  Only by so doing could I begin to make sense of the increasingly bizarre positions and behaviors of the “elites” as the public rejected their champion, Hillary Clinton, for an unexpected challenger, Donald Trump.

insane-progressive2What I have observed over the past seven years of the post-Trump election is difficult to put into words.  I suppose the mildest, most generous description might be “infantile political entitlement.”  But, as I have extensively documented, it goes much farther into blood red darkness than that.  I’ve coined the term “ideologically lobotomized” to describe the brain-dead adherence to each and every Leftist talking point, regardless of if it is directly contradictory to yesterday’s.  But the phrase that I have come to think most accurately covers the situation is “moronically wicked.”

These Woke Progressive Leftists are moronic because they truly believe that having the amazing fortune of living in a world of stunning riches — abundant, high quality food, the world of information and communication at their fingertips in the Internet and smartphones, high quality health care, jet travel around the world, etc. — that this makes them demigods capable of tearing down the civilization that gave them all this and then rebuilding a utopia.  They are wicked because they intend to accomplish this supposedly godlike feat regardless of the toll in human life and suffering that it will entail.  

Screen Shot 2022-09-02 at 5.32.58 AMAnd so, we enter 2024 with the elite moronic wicked facing the possibility of their nemesis returning to political power.  This is in spite of all their demonstrations of power by indictment, intimidation, censorship, nullification and humiliation.  The Commoners just can’t seem to get the message that they are no longer sovereign citizens.  Thus when the elite prattles on about “saving democracy” far too many Commoners correctly interpret this as the announcement of an oligarchy enforced through mob rule.

The terrifying fact is that the moronic wicked among us live in splendid isolation from the concept of a limiting principle (being demigods).  In 2023 we have watched them blow across one red line after another in pursuit of destroying their nemesis and his supporters.  Should we begin to approach an election in which the popular support for nemesis is too massive to be thwarted by censorship and fraud, what becomes possible?

commoner-mark-screamersYou must realize that many of these morons really believe that Donald Trump is the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler.  This in spite of the fact that he didn’t seek retribution on Hillary Clinton, the Democrat Party and the bureaucrats who sought to destroy him.  This in spite of his Jewish and beloved family members, his unwavering support of Israel, his international peacemaking and his actions to reduce the power of the regulatory state on citizens’ lives.  No, when you have laid down on the ideological lobotomization operating table, paid for the removal of all critical thinking and been welcomed into the “elite” caste, you no longer wish to or can resist the wicked Leftist propaganda.  Donald Trump is Adolf Hitler.  Trump’s supporters must then be Nazis.  There are therefore no limits on what must be done to stop them.

Do you think I’m going overboard?  The Federalist doesn’t think so: “How Democrats And Their Media Allies Plan To Assassinate Trump’s Presidency, Again.”

Look at these headlines from various major news publications throughout the past week:

“A second Trump term ‘poses a threat to the existence of America as we know it,’ says The Atlantic’s top editor”— CNN.com, Dec. 5

“IF TRUMP WINS: The staff of The Atlantic on the threat a second term poses to American democracy”— The Atlantic, Dec. 4

“Why a Second Trump Presidency May Be More Radical Than His First”— The New York Times, Dec. 4

“A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending”— The Washington Post, Nov. 30

Trump doesn’t need to literally be killed in order for his opposition to strangle a second term (though I wouldn’t put it past them). He only needs to see his victory nullified by a bureaucracy that resists and a media that justifies every effort in defiance. Yes, even if it’s deadly. They’ve done it before.

I think you see where I fear this could be going.  These wicked morons are marching towards the abyss, and looking back at them they imagine are the approving eyes of “history.”  What is actually calling them forward is something demonic.  Given their position and power, if they fall in we will be pulled in after them.  We therefore must stop them without becoming like them.

That’s a result that requires the intervention of the one true God as we gladly shoulder our responsibility to pray, speak and act.

Perhaps Daniel Greenfield says it best:

Good fights to protect, preserve, and create. Evil, when all the lies and justifications are stripped away from it, in the end only fights to destroy. 

Evil doesn’t just destroy what it claims to aim it. It begins by destroying everything good about those it infects. It hollows them out to make empty vessels of destruction. It robs them of all conviction except the need to destroy. It leaves them feeling cold and empty except when they destroy. It reduces all their passions to its purpose until they have nothing without it. 

To truly fight evil, we must love virtue. To fight for our country, we must love it as much as we may despair over its state. And we must never despair of the future no matter how bad things become for above all that we do is the higher purpose of a Creator who will have the final say on all things.

We must be angry over what we see. But that anger must come from love and faith. Only these can overcome pain and despair. The worse things get, the more we must cling to them otherwise we will fall.

As America enters a new stage in the battle against evil, we must fight it with the best of ourselves.

Amen, brother.

The Ministry of Truth is Struggling! (2)

Michael Shellenberger expertly and unflinchingly dissects the totalitarian evil that underlies this “happy talk” presentation in a 42 minute video (worth every second of your time).

Here’s Michael Shellenberger’s summary:

Michael Shellenberger:  Where does it come from? It comes from Renee Diresta in this little talk.   …

They’re trying to create a censorship industrial complex to surveil all of their fellow Americans, identify a huge amount of topics and then demand that social media platforms censor them.   … 

It’s in this sort of calming, turquoise blue relaxing little video. You can see the entire sinister proposal to undermine our free speech, to undermine the First Amendment, and somebody who appears to be a marginal player in the censorship industrial complex displaying her intellectual leadership and her institutional leadership and really envisioning this complex coming into being.
This is who Renee Diresta is.
On the final summary slide Michael decodes the bland language, showing the breadth and depth of the deception and wickedness at work.  I’ve used color coding to connect the slide content with his decoding commentary. 
The Ministry of Truth is being exposed for what is is.  That’s a big problem for these totalitarians!

What is it Like to be a Jew at NYU in 2023?

Bella Ingber, a Junior at NYU describes the anti-semitism that she and other Jews have experienced on campus.

Let’s be clear.  New York University (NYU) is utterly, completely dominated by the Woke Progressive Left.  There are virtually no visible conservative or even Republican professors or administrators.  Thus, the vile, vicious anti-semitism that Miss Ingber describes is 100% sourced from the ideology and actions of the Woke Progressive Left.  You Woke Progressive Leftists are the Fascist anti-semites.  You are the incarnation of the Nazi ideology in the 21st century.  For any of you with any capability for shame, it’s telling you to flee from this evil clique.  For those of you who do and think these things without shame, you are contemptible humans.

My name is Bella Ingber. I’m a junior at NYU and I’m going to try to answer the following question for you from my personal experiences: “What is it like to be a Jew at NYU?”

Being a Jew at NYU is walking to class and passing torn and defaced posters of innocent hostages with the words “occupier” and “murderer” written across their faces. It is going to the library to study and being interrupted by unauthorized protests where students and faculty call for a “globalized intifada revolution” and incitement to violence against Jews everywhere, and to call for the annihilation of the Jewish state and my friends and family who live there. Being a Jew at NYU is being surrounded by students and faculty who support the murder and kidnapping of Jews because, after all, as they say, “resistance is justified when people are occupied.” It is being surrounded by social justice warriors and self-proclaimed feminists whose calls for justice end abruptly when the rape victims are Jews. Being a Jew at NYU has meant being physically assaulted in NYU ‘s library by a fellow student while I was wearing an American Israeli flag and having my attacker still roam freely throughout the campus. Being a Jew at NYU is experiencing how “diversity equity and inclusion” is not a value that NYU extends to its Jewish students.

Since October 7th the unmistakable anti-Semitism that I’ve experienced on campus is reminiscent of the Jew hatred I’ve heard about from my grandparents, Holocaust survivors who experienced first-hand the deafening silence of their neighbors in Poland and Germany when the Nazis first rose to power, as anti-Semitic rhetoric and actions became more and more acceptable. Their communitie and shops were looted, their synagogues defaced, and finally their families were taken away and perished in concentration camps.

Today in 2023 at NYU I hear calls to “gas the Jews” and I am told that “Hitler was right.”

To the NYU administration: you are not free to selectively enforce your own rules you are not free to refuse your Jewish students the same protections that you extend to others. NYU has adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Association’s definition of anti-Semitism, which recognizes that calls to harm Jews in the name of radical ideology, calls to eradicate Israel, to deny the Jewish people their right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland, is anti-Semitism that is punishable under NYU ‘s code of conduct. I’m a proud Jew and I’m a proud Zionist. I’m the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors. We are not going anywhere. Anti-Semitism and the support for terror should have no home at NYU or any other college campus. We made the promise of never again and never again is now. Thank you.