The Silence of the Elite (2)

What, you may ask, is dominating the thought of the PCUSA leadership after the Hamas butchery and mass rape attack on October 7, 2023 and the pro-Hamas demonstrations in our major cities and universities? Well, it’s not those morally monstrous events. No, it’s an all-out assault on “Christian Zionism.” Wow. The PCUSA’s response is an assault on Christian support for Israel!

I don’t write much about the PCUSA anymore because it seems to be pointless.  Certainly the political activists who dominate the clergy and administration couldn’t care less about their use of Christianity as a means to advance their Leftist political projects.  Nor, apparently, do the people in the pews give a hoot about their support of this treachery.  No, as long at the leadership maintains the pathetic facade of “Christianity” they will go along pretending that all is well.

But, there comes a point where events have so powerfully exposed the wickedness of it all that something must be said.  And, that event is the descent of the Left into overt Nazism with its genocidal antisemitism as seen in our major cities and universities.

For decades the PCUSA leadership has hidden behind the claim that opposition to the existence of the state of Israel is not the direct equivalent of being antisemitic.  For example, the General Assembly’s 2015 action to sanction the State of Israel (this is a four-part post series) was claimed to be simply a matter of policy dispute, not an act of antisemitism.

A hopeless optimist might imagine that since 2015 events in the Middle East would have caused the PCUSA’s leadership to have second thoughts.  Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, as this post’s leading image shows, the PCUSA leadership has only increased the viciousness and stupidity of their position. For example, look at this 2022 Christian Post article that covers the overtly antisemitic comments of Rev. Nelson, then head of the PCUSA.

This and many other actions taken by the General Assembly (and many Presbyteries, Sessions, pastors and parishioners) are a stain on the PCUSA.  They all have built the deceitful strategy of antisemitism masquerading as anti-Zionism.  They will always consider themselves to be our moral, intellectual and spiritual betters – even after their support for antisemitic hatred contributed to this moment of butchery by Hamas.  

So, what does the PCUSA elite have to say about the current situation in the Middle East?  Well as documented in their article about “Confronting Christian Zionism” they have absolutely nothing to say about the genocidal atrocities by Hanas and its Gaza supporters on October 7, 2023; zero, nada.  But they have a lot to say in support of the Palestinians and in opposition of Christian support for Israel.

… the 90-minute session discussed how the Zionism ideology contributes to the violence Palestinians have experienced and the consequences of the settler colonial experience.   ,,,

Isaac opened his remarks noting the timeliness of the webinar coinciding with 190 days of continuous war, tens of thousands of deaths — including 14,000 children. “How is it possible the world is at peace with all this? Human rights don’t apply to Palestinians? Do international laws not apply?” he asked.   …

Rosen opened his remarks by stating the day’s gathering was amidst an ongoing genocide that needs to be named out loud at every available opportunity. …

“The U.S. is aiding and abetting. This genocide is led by a President who is Catholic but has professed Zionism to his emotional core and has for his entire political career,” said Rosen. “He may not be an evangelical Christian, but he is certainly a Christian Zionist, and I think that’s very important to underline.”   …

In light of that, there is another overture coming to this summer’s General Assembly. Confessing Our Complicity on Christian Zionism, sponsored by Muskingum Valley Presbytery, seeks to update and expand on the 2004 resolution.   …

“We need to do systemic unpacking and untangling of theology that keeps people hungry and imprisoned — Christian Zionism is a theology that does that,” said Macy. “It closes down and divides us from each other and from opening our hearts in an expansive theological way that recognizes the Divine and all of Creation again.”

The only possible conclusion is that the PCUSA elite supports the Hamas genocidal project.  How else could they utterly ignore the atrocities of October 7 while aggressively and openly opposing any Christian support of Israel as “Christian Zoonism”?

Presbytery-of-NY-NewsLetterBut the top prize for utter and complete silence in the face of the Nazi Left’s genocidal antisemitism must go to the Presbytery of New York City.  New York City has been the epicenter of Hamas supporting mob protests, including defacement of property, intimidation of Jews, open support of Hamas and blocking of roads and bridges.

And, Columbia University has been the epicenter of the pro-Hamas butchery campus protest movement.  The wickedness, hatred, stupidity, aggression and outright delight in genocidal ideation on display at Columbia is beyond any Christian, or human, moral boundary.  

Columbia University is in New York City.  And, the Presbytery of New York City has absolutely nothing to say about what is going on in their own city.

The figure to the left summarizes the content of the Presbytery of New York’s April 26, 2024 newsletter.  I have included a screen shot of every substantive article included in the newsletter.  I must ask, do you see anything that even hints at the morally monstrous activities happening right under their noses.  The answer is NO.

These are the same people who claim that “silence is violence” if you don’t enthusiastically support their policy positions.  Well, it’s time to apply that standard to a Presbytery that is mute in the face of open support of a second Holocaust.

Let’s be honest.  The PCUSA elite supports the Hamas project of destroying Israel.  They are willing foot soldiers of the antisemitic Iranian totalitarian regime behind it all.  And, we, the pew warmers are apparently willing to fund this Leftist project, pretending that we are all just Christ following Christians as the denomination leadership gives moral cover to the most evil ideology ever created in modern times.

This is an absolute disgrace. 

The Silence of the Elite (1)

Have you been wondering why it is that our supposedly morally superior elite isn’t opposing the Nazification of our universities?

If you are paying attention to the Nazification of our Leftist Elite institutions you may well have been wondering why the leaders are allowing it to happen.  After all, for a cadre who hold themselves up as the “morally superior” among us to allow open support for Hamas’ antisemitic, genocidal project seems, well, evil.  Steve Huntley well summarizes this movement’s wickedness in an article titled “Is the Worst Yet to Come?

They’re the ravings of antisemitic bigots and far left wing fanatics celebrating the terrorist savagery of the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre and rapes, which set off the righteous war by Israel against genocidal terrorists in the Gaza Strip.   …

The demonstrators’ stated target might be Israel but make no mistake, their hatred is also aimed at America and Western civilization. The U.S. flag has been burned. Chants of “Death to America” punctuate protests.

There are some elites, such as Bill Ackman, who have (finally!) awakened to the wickedness that their support has enabled and are attempting to do something about it.  But for every one of these relatively principled, courageous elites there are 99 others who are cowardly, if not supportive.

This applies in spades to the administrators and leadership at our universities.  Theirs has been a story of fecklessness and worse in the face of open, proud demonstrations of genocidal hatred.  They have literally stood by while their institutions have been discredited and debased by the worst people imaginable, who have been created by these very institutions.

One extremely clear, credible and compelling answer for this appalling failure has been provided by in an essay titled “This is how 1968 ends.”  Although the following selected excerpts provide a general overview of his argument, you should really read the whole thing.

Mr. Kerstein opens his article with a discussion on the cadre of radical Marxists and Anarchists who emerged from the 1968 protest movement.  He points out that in France they have an explicit name, the “’68ers,” but are unnamed in the United States.  Regardless, this horde of civilizational destructors has come to dominate major institutions throughout the United States.  That’s not news.  But Mr. Kerstein’s insights into how this cadre operates begins to shed light.  That’s where I pick up his argument.

But their greatest success was the long march. Named for the Chinese communists’ legendary trek to northern China that ensured their survival and eventual takeover, the plan was simple: Conquer the universities, install radicals at all levels of faculty and administration, and then consolidate a totalitarian regime, a dictatorship of the professoriate, that would colonize and control the mind of America’s elite.

This takeover would be enabled by tactics drawn from the radical movements of the past: They would purge all dissenters by means fair or foul. Those they could not purge, they would ostracize and isolate. They would subject even those who remained neutral to rituals of public repentance and submission in the style of the Chinese Cultural Revolution—Mao’s brutal campaign against “ideological deviationism” that maimed and murdered thousands. If necessary, they would resort to outright violence and terrorism. In other words, they would construct and impose a suicide cult “by any means necessary.”

Their success was spectacular and we are seeing the results today.

Do you see the cultural milieu that they have created?  It is one in which any ideological deviation is severely punished and any neutrality destroyed.  This culture was extend to the entire Left, creating an environment in which dissent had no place.  Thus, even if the university leaders and administrators see the evil inherent in the pro-Hamas demonstrations, they are helpless to go against the prevailing party line.

The reason is 1968. Even if they know that the mob is immoral and indeed monstrous, those who should know better—who do know better—are still ‘68ers. They believe in the basic tenets of 1968ism: America is corrupted by racism, imperialism, patriarchy, and their attendant evils. Radical action is necessary to change this. There are no enemies to the left. The chickens come home to roost by any means necessary. Ideological deviationism cannot be tolerated. Ideological deviationism is whatever they happen to disapprove of at any given moment. If all else fails, exterminate all the brutes.

The result of all this is now clear: The ‘68ers and the radical left as a whole have collapsed into something very like Nazism.

Yes, something very much like Nazism is afoot in our universities and major cities.  But it is not limited to there.  No, it also lives in the Democrat Party, the corporate media, major social media companies, professional organizations and even Christian denominations.  And, in all of them the response to an outright Nazi-like movement in their midst is … utter silence.  Mr. Kerstein has illuminated why.

The Nazi Left at Columbia University

Bill Ackman has done the public service of posting this video documenting the Nazi-level antisemitism taking place at Columbia University. The preceding and following images are all screen shots from this single seven-minute video. Minimal commentary is necessary given the captioning and self-explanatory nature of this information. I apologize for the number of images, but you really need to understand just how massive is the wickedness and stupidity on display. Finally, please don’t make the mistake of assuming that this genocidal ideology is limited to Columbia University. Similar protests are occurring on college campuses throughout the United States.

Screenshot 2024-04-27 at 6.03.20 PMThis is what the Democrat Party, from President Biden on down to the lowliest local activist is absolutely refusing to acknowledge, let alone condemn.

This is an explicit genocidal threat. The state of Israel will be dissolved and its Jewish citizens liquidated.
Violence and terror are clearly under the umbrella of “By any means necessary.”
Pure projection by the real 21st century Nazis.
Student with a sign pointing to Jewish counter-protesters in which she wishes butchery and mass rape on them.
Telling American Jewish citizens to go back to Poland, where many of the worst Holocaust camps were located. Clearly, in their wicked minds, there is no place for our Jewish citizens and guests in the United States.
More pathetic fantasy about murdering Jews.
Not all, but even those who are not are willing useful idiots for their genocidal cause.
Wishing rocked strikes on Israel’s second largest city.

The American Cultural Revolution (2)

Columbia-10000-10-7sIf you are busy with other things, like raising children, holding down a job (to two), maintaining a marriage and generally living a full life, you may not have had time to explore the depths of depravity occurring at our elite (and other) universities.  Or, you may have an inkling, but don’t really want to deal with it.

Well, if that’s the case it’s time to stop reading.  But for anyone interested, it appears that the power on the Democrat Left have decided that nothing short of a Fascist/Marxist (only in America) revolution can ensure that they remain in power.

So, firstly, hers’s a summary of the situation from a Spiked! article titled “A howl of rage against civilisation” (emphasis added). 

Columbia has rang out with cries of ‘We don’t want no two states / We want all of it!’. You don’t need to be an expert in Middle East affairs to decipher this demand. It’s a sick call to seize the entirety of Israel – all of it – and create a new state more in keeping with the Israelophobic yearnings of both privileged Westerners and radical Islamists. Their longing for Israel’s erasure was made even clearer in a follow-up chant: ‘We don’t want no two states / We want ‘48!’ That is, 1948, a time when the modern state of Israel didn’t yet exist. They want a world without Israel. They want to lay waste to the national home of the Jews.   …

For months, Israelophobes have insisted that their slogan, ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’, is not a call to erase Israel. We can now see through that lie. ‘We want all of it’ rips the mask from their fake anti-war posturing and reveals the nuclear-level loathing for the Jewish State that lurks beneath.

Unsurprisingly, such feverish hatred for the Jewish nation can morph with startling speed into open loathing for the Jewish people. We’ve seen this around the Columbia camp. When counter-protesters turned up waving the Israel flag, one of the ‘pro-Palestine’ agitators cried: ‘Uncultured-ass bitches, go back to Europe.’ The Jews were taunted with yells of ‘Go back to Poland’. Not content with cleansing the Middle East of Jews, some also want to cleanse America of these problematic people. It’s fascistic hate masquerading as anti-militarism.

But isn’t this just the ravings of moronic, privileged students, soon to pass away.  We can hope and pray so, but people who know more about the Left are sounding alarms.

In the Wall Street Journal, MEMRI executive director Steven Stalinsky looks at “Who’s Behind the Anti-Israel Protests.” He is concerned that this protest is in collaboration with terrorist organizations (emphasis added):

On March 25, the Columbia University Apartheid Divest student group hosted an event called “Resistance 101” on campus. It featured leaders of the PFLP-affiliated Samidoun, Within Our Lifetime and other extremist organizations. At the event, former PFLP official Khaled Barakat referred to his “friends and brothers in Hamas, Islamic Jihad [and] the PFLP in Gaza,” saying that particularly after Oct. 7, “when they see students organizing outside Palestine, they really feel that they are being backed as a resistance and they’re being supported.” On March 30 on Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV, Mr. Barakat said “the vast majority” of young Americans and Canadians now “support armed resistance” because of “the introduction of colonialism, racism, and slavery studies into history curricula.”

Stalinsky concludes with a warning:

The collaboration between senior terrorists and their growing list of friends in the U.S. and the West has real-world consequences. These groups are designated terrorist for a reason. They don’t plan marches and rallies—they carry out terrorist attacks. And when the U.S. and Western activists, including college students, see that their marches and protests aren’t achieving their goals, they may consider their next steps—which will be influenced by the company they have been keeping.

As is often the case, it takes commentary by Mark Steyn to adequately summarize the danger and depravity of it all (emphasis added).

The al-Qassam Brigades are the fellows who pulled off October 7th. Me again, from almost two decades ago – March 2006:

If I were a Palestinian, I’d occasionally wonder what I had to do to get a bad press.

Well, now we know that murder and rape and kidnapping and torture and kiddie-burning ain’t gonna cut it, not with your Ivy League co-eds. As Julie Burchill says in The Spectator, “‘anti-Semitism’ doesn’t cover what’s going on right now”. That’s true: there are people who find Jews all a bit Jewy and don’t want them in the country club …and there are people who cheer on the gang-rape of the Jewesses and the torching of their infants. A term that embraces the lot doesn’t seem terribly useful when the children of white upscale American liberals have moved en masse to the hardcore end of the spectrum – and pointing out Hamas atrocities doesn’t resonate with them because that’s what they like about it.

Columbia-Hamas-TentsWe are nearing a Presidential Election that pits American against American in a manner not seen since at least the Vietnam War.  We have two political parties that are both riven by internal conflict.  And, we have a Democrat Administration that is attempting to talk out of both sides of its mouth on Middle East policy.  

We may somehow, God willing, be able to hold it together, but powerful forces are in play seeking to blow our nation wide open.  May God have mercy on our souls.

The American Cultural Revolution (1)

What’s going on at elite Universities across the nation (e.g., Columbia, Yale, MIT, Michigan, etc.) is an attempted Marxist Cultural Revolution. The pro forma “condemnations” issued by Democrat politicians can’t cover up the central role that the Democrat Party has played as the enabler and power center for this totalitarian, genocidal movement.

The content of these elite university demonstrations is openly genocidal and totalitarian.


Press-Secretary-HamasThe fact that President Biden chose to share a stage with the most influential Marxist, antisemite Representative in the Democrat Party and then affirmed her support of the Hamas loving university barbarians is a scandal beyond anything that has even been fantasized by Democrats against their opponents.  Biden’s Press Secretary couldn’t bring herself to say one word in condemnation of the campus Cultural Revolution mob when directly asked.  Incredibly, she retreated back to the one-time, long past incident at Charlottesville rather than comment on the here and now, Left-Wing, genocidal, totalitarian demonstrations supporting Hamas on many university campuses.  This incident completely undercuts any pro forma denunciations that have been released by some Democrat politicians, including President Biden and Mayor Adams.

Columbia-HamasMake no mistake, these moronic and wicked student protestors are the poisoned fruit of the Leftist tree that has been planted, tended and harvested by the faculty of these universities even as they have been empowered by the Democrat Party.

This is all happening in conjunction with off-campus Hamas supporting demonstrations in our major cities.  Bridges, airports and highways are being blocked for hours, preventing emergency vehicles from getting through and causing thousands of people various levels of inconvenience, including loss of critical medical appointments.

Weiss-Hamas-Demo2Even in the likely case that these protests are unsuccessful in their immediate goals, they have already been successful in normalizing genocidal, antisemitic, totalitarian activism. Bari Weiss plaintively asks “What will the response be?”  The answer under the Fascist Democrat Party state is that the response will be utterly impotent by design.  The power center of the Democrat Party is driving this monstrous process and has lost its mind through ideological lobotomization.   

This madness has been well summarized by Chris Bray in his Substack post.  It’s impossible to predict to where this madness will lead over the next six months, but the possibilities are deeply troubling.

There is no world outside their heads. They’ve descended into self-hypnosis and ritual psychosis. They don’t see. And it’s really interesting, because the precise way they don’t see is harming them, but they can’t make a course correction. They don’t even see that they’ve wandered off the map.

One possibility is this.  Buckle up America.


Understanding the Madness (3)

In Gaza they would be executed. Their ideology of victim envy has utterly separated them from any connection to reality.

An Interesting Hypothesis

I’ll be the first to admit that my previous analysis of the madness behind the antisemitic / anti-zionist movement in the West has been incomplete.  In particular, I didn’t connect the general psychosis of unresolved civilizational guilt to the enthusiastic support of the Hamas genocidal project.  So, I have been absolutely stunned, and shamed, by the number of Americans who have, thoughtlessly or with cold-blooded premeditation, taken the side of the monsters.

Clearly, some new ideas are required to understand this phenomenon.  The place where I found a fascinating and credible new hypothesis for this madness is a blog titled Neo and a post titled “Victim envy.”  Here’s how Neo begins this post.

Jillian Becker writes of a phenomenon she calls Leidensneid. It’s a word she made up, one of those composite German terms that combine two other words, in this case “leiden” (to suffer) and “Neid” (envy).

Leidensneid is a part of virtue signaling and is particularly rampant on the left these days. But it’s been around for much longer than that.

Neo goes on to provide excerpts from Becker’s article, “Leidensneid: Envy of Suffering,” along with her own insightful commentary.  The key, essential, statement excerpted, the one that opened new vistas of thought about this tragic situation is this (emphasis added by Neo):

[Meinhof’s] passionate, confused statements made only one thing clear: she and her like-thinkers hoped that by identifying themselves with victims — of the Nazis, of the present social order in the First World, of “colonialism” and “imperialism” in the Third World — they could free themselves from guilt; or, more accurately, protect and preserve themselves from accusation. It was a way of asserting a moral superiority over their own nation and their own class. None of them really wanted to be poor, or oppressed, or hurt, or deprived of liberty, or killed, or compelled to do manual labor. What they wanted, what they envied, was not what victims had to endure, but the supposed esteem in which victims are held, their freedom from culpability, their high moral status. To be a victim—they seemed to believe—was to be innocent. And to be innocent was almost the same as being heroic.

This idea of victim envy directly connects the general civilizational guilt that I had previously identified to the specific case of Hamas’ genocidal project. Here is the key statement “by identifying themselves with victims … they could free themselves from guilt.”
So, Hamas has claimed to represent the “victims” in Gaza and is therefore defined by the Left to be morally pure. And, members of the Left in the West seek to identify with these morally pure butchers in order to gain absolution for their sin of being in the West. Yes it is utter madness.  But it’s a madness capable of destroying Western Civilization if submitted to by the majority who know better. Don’t submit!

Understanding the Madness (2)

Previous Thoughts

I’ve been pursuing this topic for quite awhile, but in a more general sense.  Perhaps an initial thought on the question occurred in a 2017 post titled “The Strange Persistence of Guilt.”  There I discussed a brilliant article by Wilfred M. McClay of the same title.  Dr. McClay’s theme was the seemingly strange fact that as belief in God and sin has receded in Western Civilization the sense of irredeemable guilt has risen.  Here is the issue as explained by Dr. McClay.

What makes the situation dangerous for us, as Fredriksen observes, is not only the fact that we have lost the ability to make conscious use of the concept of sin but that we have also lost any semblance of a “coherent idea of redemption,” the idea that has always been required to accompany the concept of sin in the past and tame its harsh and punitive potential. The presence of vast amounts of unacknowledged sin in a culture, a culture full to the brim with its own hubristic sense of world-conquering power and agency but lacking any effectual means of achieving redemption for all the unacknowledged sin that accompanies such power: This is surely a moral crisis in the making … The rituals of scapegoating, of public humiliation and shaming, of multiplying morally impermissible utterances and sentiments and punishing them with disproportionate severity, are visibly on the increase in our public life. They are not merely signs of intolerance or incivility, but of a deeper moral disorder, an Unbehagen that cannot be willed away by the psychoanalytic trick of pretending that it does not exist.

But this admittedly brilliant point remained stuck as the generalization of a disorder whose core cause remained frustratingly elusive.

I thought progress was being made by my publishing of a post titled “The West’s Psychotic Breakdown (3)” in 2023.  Here, once again, the issue of irresolvable guilt in the West played a central role.

One recent contribution to this deliberation was published by First Things in an article titled “Spiritual Death of the West” by Nathan Pinkoski.  The author there reconsiders the 1973 fictional novel The Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail.  Mr. Raspail tells the (prophetic?) story of how a mass immigration event brought down European culture and governments.   …

This vague “nihilism of guilt” crystallized into a specific ideology that has conquered much of the West.

The West’s brand of moral universalism, Raspail’s novel suggests, causes its demise. Westerners have made a categorical imperative out of Mrs. Jellyby’s comically flawed ­humanitarianism—“do-gooderism” unto a distant other, while one’s own are neglected. In this moral climate, the piety required to love one’s community and the fortitude required to defend it become vices.

This is a penetrating description of unresolved guilt being dealt with by ““do-gooderism” unto a distant other, while one’s own are neglected.”  This clearly has significantly contributed to the idea that virtue only can be found through hatred of your own culture and unconditional love for other cultures, particularly those who can claim some sort of “oppression.”

If you want to explore the many more posts that address this issue, click on the Foundational Ideas link in the list of Categories to the left of this post.

So, why, you may well ask, pick up this thread yet again?  Well, the 10/7 Hamas pogrom and its aftermath in the West has sharpened this question in a manner that has concentrated many insightful minds.  What I described in the previous introductory post is so shocking, so nakedly evil that people are taking up the question of the West’s ideological response to guilt with new vigor.

The following post discusses what I consider to be an important dimension of insight that must be given the most serious consideration by anyone seeking to rescue the West from utter collapse.

Understanding the Madness (1)


If you have (1) been paying attention and (2) preserved a shred of sanity, then the question “What is causing this madness?” has likely crossed your mind.  The most recent undeniable incident demanding some sort of explanation is the Left’s reaction to the October 7 Hamas massacre, rape and kidnapping assault in Israel.  In any sane, decent person this event has caused deep anger and disgust against the perpetrators of this atrocity.  Those perpetrators are members of Hamas and the general Palestinian population of Gaza who enthusiastically support them.

Deaths-by-Year-WarWhen Japan attacked Perl Harbor over 2,400 Americans were killed.  When Al-Qaeda flew commercial airplanes into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, almost 3,000 people were murdered.  In response to Perl Harbor the United States entered World War 2, in which hundreds of thousands of Japanese and German civilians were killed by Allied warfare.  In response to 9/11 the West invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, where tens of thousands of civilians died in the ensuing wars.

Africa-Islam-MurderGoing beyond the West, civilians are being killed by the tens of thousands in conflicts like Syria, Yemen, and in many countries throughout Africa (see image).

We are also aware of the genocide of Muslims in China and the threat by China to invade Taiwan, which would result in hundreds of thousands if not millions of civilian deaths.

Reasonable people will differ on the causes and morality of these tragic events.  

But what startles, what shocks the conscience is the absolutely monomaniacal focus of the West on the tragedy of civilian deaths in Gaza as Israel attempts to destroy Hamas, the organization that executed the October 7 attacks with cold-blooded brutality and that has said publicly that it wants to repeat 10/7 like attacks until Israel is destroyed.

Ghazi Hamad, a member of the militant group’s decision-making political bureau, warned that Gaza leadership would replicate the coordinated Oct. 7 attack, referred to by the terrorists as Operation al-Aqsa Flood, which killed more than 1,400 Israelis and took some 240 hostages.

“The al-Aqsa Flood is just the first time and there will be a second, a third, a fourth because we have the determination, the resolve and the capabilities to fight,” Hamad said in an Oct. 24 Lebanese television interview republished by British outlets Wednesday.   …

“We are not ashamed to say this, with full force. We must teach Israel a lesson and we will do this again and again.”

Let me be clear about the nature of the “attacks” that Hamas wants to repeat indefinitely.

Videos filmed by Hamas include footage of one woman, handcuffed and taken hostage with cuts to her arms and a large patch of blood staining the seat of her trousers.

In others, women carried away by the fighters appear to be naked or semi-clothed.

Multiple photographs from the sites after the attack show the bodies of women naked from the waist down, or with their underwear ripped to one side, legs splayed, with signs of trauma to their genitals and legs.

“It really feels like Hamas learned how to weaponise women’s bodies from ISIS [the Islamic State group] in Iraq, from cases in Bosnia,” said Dr Cochav Elkayam-Levy, a legal expert at the Davis Institute of International Relations at Hebrew University.

“It brings me chills just to know the details that they knew about what to do to women: cut their organs, mutilate their genitals, rape. It’s horrifying to know this.”

Dear reader, please understand that the above is a highly sanitized summary of the atrocities committed by Hamas.  If you dare to dig into the details of what these animals videoed, live-streamed, bragged about and admitted to, you will encounter gore and brutality of the most extreme nature imaginable.  These descriptions of brutality also include the murder/mutilation of hundreds of children and men.

west-hamas-support-2Yet, in full knowledge of these atrocities, thousands of our “best and brightest” in universities and cities have enthusiastically embraced the Hamas cause by demonstrating in support of raw, dehumanizing, genocidal Jew-hatred.  But this is not simply the consequence of youthful ignorance and arrogance.  No, it is justified and supported by adults holding positions of real power.  From university administrators and professors to Christian administrators and pastors to Corporate Media to national politicians and to Democrat Party activists we see the rise of vicious antisemitism combined with enthusiastic support of genocidal Palestinian butchery.  Make no mistake, these groups are working feverishly to ensure that Hamas (and Hezbollah and Iran, and on and on) survives so that it can make good on its promise to slaughter and rape Jews until the state of Israel collapses.

There is simply no way to excuse this horrific moral failure.  And yet, these Hamas supporters exhibit a rock-solid sense of moral superiority as they advocate for murderous, mutilating monsters.

Many people are attempting to understand the reasons for this wicked madness.  In the following posts I will share some of their ideas and conclusions.


Big AI is Here (Learn to Love It Comrade)! (3)

Google’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool development was led by a Woke Progressive Totalitarian, so the results are what’s to be expected.  Only a team of the ideologically lobotomized could generate something this disastrously embarrassing (and straight up evil).  Enjoy a preview of your new “intelligent” masters!

Oh, but it gets so much worse and disturbing than that!
Surely Google’s AI can unambiguously reject child sacrifice!
How could Google have created such a monstrous “intelligence?” Here’s a big clue (sorry for the profanity, but it’s how this genius expresses himself (oh, I hope that’s the right pronoun, not) in public.
Oh, but there’s so much more of his incredibly moral and deep thought to find!
Google’s top executive leadership team put this guy in charge. Google’s motto is clearly “Empower Evil.”

Speaking of “empowering evil.”

This is Holocaust denial at the highest level of evil. Google is evil incarnate.

This isn’t a recent development at Google.

So, what must be done?
Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work … or maybe God will decide to preemptively intervene again.

Our Elite Institutions Exposed

The Presidents of Harvard, Penn and MIT are so blinded by their elite status and ideological orthodoxy that they let the mask utterly drop at recent Congressional hearings.

These elite university presidents weren’t just speaking for their institutions, but for the entire political, corporatist, media and educational Woke Progressive project.  That’s the case because most of the leaders and senior employees of all these other institutions are “educated” (i.e. brainwashed, lobotomized) by these elite universities and so many others that follow their lead.  And what they revealed was the utterly Fascist nature of their ideology.  Brendan O’Neill of Spiked has impressively captured and dissected the nature of this monstrous evil that dominates our elite class (emphasis added).

We’ve seen many sick things in the West since the Hamas pogrom of 7 October.   …

Now, to this list of shame, this roll-call of moral rot, we can add another repellent incident: the failure of Ivy League universities in the US to make a full-throated condemnation of those who dream of committing genocide against the Jews.   …

Clearly, the safe-space system that now pertains on campuses does not extend to Jews. No safe space for you. No sense of belonging. No shield from triggering. Let’s be clear: Jews are second-class citizens in the modern academy. Where racist regimes of old forbade Jews from entering certain professions or marrying gentiles, the new woke regime denies them access to the new moral conventions – good and ill – of campus life. This is identity politics in action, in all its wickedness and bigotry. This new hyper-racial regime brutally organises people according to their ‘oppression’ or ‘privilege’, offering safety to the former while exposing the latter to ridicule, judgement and, we now know, open calls for their mass slaughter. So where some students are protected from the microaggression of being asked ‘Where are you from?’, Jewish students can be exposed to people calling for Jews to be killed. Thus anti-Semitism is re-institutionalised, under the cover of woke.

What should Jewish students do about their blatantly racist exclusion from campus convention? I agree with Batya Ungar-Sargon: instead of fighting for inclusion in the safe space, they should fight against the safe space. Instead of agitating for their fragility to be respected alongside that of other minority groups, they should revolt against the entire cult of fragility. The hypocrisy, illiberalism and outright racism of the new campus ideologies of ‘safety’ and ‘inclusion’ have been starkly exposed in the aftermath of 7 October, and such a poisonous moral order deserves dismantling, not expansion. It was the academy’s turn against reason and enlightenment that landed us in the horrendous situation where students are not allowed to say a man is not a woman but they can call for every Jew on Earth to be murdered – only with the restoration of reason and enlightenment might sense finally return.

If you look away from this wicked spectacle you become complicit in its Fascist project.  Don’t look away, don’t remain silent, don’t soil your soul by cowardice.