Yes, You are the “Baddies” (2)

Professor Russel Rickford of Cornell University spoke his true mind to a mob of bloodthirsty savages (i.e., Woke Progressive students at our most prestigious Universities) immediately after news of the Hamas massacre broke. Later, after having received criticism he retreated into the same old, dishonest non-apology apology statement. We must start believing what they say the first time and act accordingly if Western Civilization is to endure.


For the past four years at least I have been using the word “wicked” to describe the ideas and behavior of the Progressive Left.  In fact, numerous post series have used the word “wicked” in their titles.  In July of 2020 I initiated a series titled “Something Wicked This Way Comes” with these words.

We should all know better by now than to ignore the more outlandish statements of the Progressive Left.  They have been so emboldened by their monopoly of our institutions that they no longer even pretend to hide their intentions.  Make no mistake, they are telling us what they intend to do should they by one means or another regain power.  So, stop pretending that these views into their wicked minds are unrepresentative of the Progressive Left’s true intentions.

In November of 2021 I upped the ante with a series of posts titled “Something Wicked is in Our Midst.”  I commented as follows in the first post of this series.

I’ve often wondered just what level of outrage it will take (if any) for the progressive Democrats (particularly those who claim to be Christians) to recoil in horror at the nature of their leader’s behavior.  We have an almost perfect test case here now that Mary Lemanski, who is listed as the social media director for the Democratic Party in DuPage County, Illinois has tweeted her vile heart out about the recent Waukesha Wisconsin tragedy.

In these and many other posts I have been making the case that what is going on in the Progressive Left is not simply error, but cold-blooded, premeditated wickedness.  Even though in every case I have provided explicit justification and associated references for these conclusions, I have worried that my readers may find such strong language to be off-putting.  After all, it’s disturbing to think that there are many people in power and even in our personal lives who harbor evil.  But, so concerned have I been about the nature of the Progressive Left that I felt there was no alternative but to speak plainly and forcibly.

Sydney-Gas-JewsNow, I must say that the response of the Woke Progressive Left to the October 7 Hamas butchery of Jews in Israel has removed all doubt about their inherent wickedness.  What we have all seen is the open, aggressive and proud support of Hamas’ butchery in our universities and cities that are utterly dominated by the Progressive Left.  In conjunction with that evil we have seen open, vicious antisemitism, including dehumanization, violent threats, physical assault and genocidal ideation in these same Woke Progressive Left dominated places.  

These vile displays didn’t even wait for the Israeli military response.  No, on October 7 and immediately after these wicked demonstrations were in full swing.  The core emotion was celebration that the “oppressed” Palestinians had been able to take “justified” revenge on their “oppressors” (by mass murder, rape, beheading, necrophilia, mutilation and burning of all the babies, children, men, women and elderly Jews they could find).  They also have kidnapped almost 250 women, men and children, using them as bargaining chips and almost certainly terribly abusing them.

Cooper-Union-Jew-TweetThis is what the Progressive Left in our universities and cities are not just supporting, but celebrating.  Make no mistake, these are places where anyone not on the Woke Progressive Left is virtually powerless.  Our universities have driven out all but the most careful hiders of non-Progressive thought.  Non-Progressive speakers are assaulted, shouted down and disinvited from our universities.  Our large city’s politicians and administrators are completely dominated by Progressives.  The populations of these cities continue to elect ever more radical Progressive Leftists to positions of power.

And yet, it is from these places of utter Woke Progressive Leftist dominance that the Hamas butchery celebration and vicious antisemitism has originated.  This is 21st century Nazism.  It is a continuation of the 20th century Nazi program to eradicate the Jews.  Hamas explicitly says so in its Charter and its leaders explicitly say so in their public comments.  

Jew-Murdered-Los-AngelesI am most certainly not accusing all on the Progressive Left of this wickedness.  Many of these people have good intentions and wish no harm to anyone.  What I am saying is that the activist core of the Progressive Left has revealed itself to be dominated by people who do harbor wicked ideas. This conclusion has been unmistakably exposed by their embrace of the Hamas butchery.  This activist core has deceived their supporters and many others by their aggressive claims to moral and intellectual superiority.  They have been exposed as liars and frauds.

I understand that it’s frightening to acknowledge the existence of such wickedness in the powerful and prestigious among us.  But unless we face up to this reality and do something substantial about it we place ourselves, our children, our family members and our fellow citizens at risk of experiencing violent, impoverishing civilizational collapse.  What will follow is most likely the totalitarian hell that fills the fever dreams of the Woke Progressive Left’s ideology-addled minds.

So, don’t look away.  Gaze upon the open, proud eruption os wickedness in our midst.  Then through speaking, legitimate action and voting do something about it.



City-Hamas Support

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